Special Issues
NEWS: Submissions for Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering -- Submissions for BioSystems
Participants of NC2018 have the opportunity to submit contributions to Neural Coding special issues in BioSystems (Handling editors: C. Christodoulou. L. Kostal, L. Sacerdote) and Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (Handling editors : L. Kostal, L. Sacerdote, M. Tamborrino). The number of slots in each journal is limited.
Prospective authors are requested to confirm their intention to submit a paper by October 10, 2018, by email to laura.sacerdote@unito.it, and to indicate which of the two journals they prefer and if their choice is exclusive.
Please write in the subject one of these texts:
- NC2018: Special Issue preference: MBE (exclusive)
- NC2018: Special Issue preference: BioSystems (exclusive)
- NC2018: Special Issue preference: MBE or BioSystems
Please add a tentative title of your contribution.
Any further e-mail on the special issues should have "NC2018: Special Issue" in the subject.
Deadline for Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering:
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering has become an open access journal and the fee will be 800$. However, papers submitted this year will be waived of open access fee. Hence, despite the submission deadline is on January 31, 2019 February 28, 2019, we strongly recommend an earlier submission for those interested to publish there (Before December 31, 2018).
Deadline for BioSystems: January 31, 2019 February 28, 2019.
Submitted manuscripts will be rigorously peer-reviewed.